Monday, November 14, 2011

Natural Wonders

Our Earth is a very majestic place. Not only is it grand enough to hold almost seven billion people and strong enough to hold up to seven continents in the midst of 80% water, it also harbours some of the most astonishing natural sights known to man: The Seven Natural Wonders of the World.

Many people go out to seek adventure on these Wonders and become captivated by their stunning views. Hikers travel to vistas where they gain the best views of The Grand Canyon in Arizona or sometimes travel its ridges on the back of a mule.

Some travellers even journey to Mexico to explore the grounds of Paricutin, the volcano whose birth was first witnessed by human.

Others travel further down into South America where the Harbour of Rio De Janeiro lies, the bay eroded by the Atlantic Ocean. They are explored by many - from the peak of its mountain ranges to the beaches that lay around it.

On the other side of the world is Australia, home to another Wonder, the Great Barrier Reef: the world’s largest coral reef system that is spread across 2,600 kilometres. It’s enjoyed by travellers snorkelling or scuba diving in its pristine waters. 

Then, in the Himalayan mountain range, behold Mount Everest, signifying the highest point on Earth. Over in Africa, helicopter and microlite trips are enjoyed by those who want to witness the world’s largest waterfall, Victoria Falls.

Finally, dancing waves (Aurora Borealis) can be admired as you approach the magnetic pole. 

By Caroline

Geography Awareness Week

The images below are brought to you by Stephanie, one of our talented school newspaper photographers, as part of this weeks promotion of Geography. Make sure you all get involved in the Geography photography competition! For more details on this and other Geography Awareness Week news check out Geogypedia - the PHES Geography department blog!

Steve Jobs

Think Different: “The round pegs in the square holes...The ones who see things differently...They invent...They imagine...They inspire...They push the human race forward...Maybe they have to be crazy...Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” – the Apple motto.
Steve Jobs, a visionary, was lost on October 5th, 2011. He was the man behind the multi-billion dollar consumer electronic company, Apple Inc.
Since the 1970s, Jobs had begun building up Apple. In his head was his mission: to simply create the best PC in the world. But Jobs entirely expanded on this notion - he altered the interface of technology as we know it by allowing us into a new era of technological greatness. His simplistic inventions changed our views, our ideas, and let us explore our creativity

  • The rise of the Lisa, the first personal computer in 1983.
  • The release of the much awaited MacBook Pro that faced high demands in 2010.
  • The revelation of the first generation iPod Classic to the upcoming generation of the iTouch.
  • The incorporation of the 1990’s Newton Message Board into today’s much awaited iPhone.

All these expansions were brought by a man who would never give up on his vision. Kicked out of Apple, his own pride and joy, and later reinstated, on multiple occasions, Jobs proved to the world that with persistence, determination and difference, those “Crazy Ones” really do make things happen. 

by Caroline

Image source here

Thursday, November 3, 2011


jux·ta·po·si·tion [juhk-stuh-puh-zish-uhn]
1. an act or instance of placing close together or side by side,especially for comparison or contrast.
2. the state of being close together or side by side.